

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Prevention is better than the cure when it comes to plantar fasciitis

I have came up with the assumption from my own experience with plantar fasciitis that Prevention is a lot lot more better than the...


Thursday, 20 February 2014

My health journey

I thought seeing as I wasn't to get health that I would post on this mini site about my health journey and what I...


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

what on eartH the NWPSL?

Like I mentioned in ym last post the womens pro soccer league has ended so my hopes and dream of being a porffesional soccer...


WPS has folded oh no!

When I was younger... well just a bit younger than I am at the moment I rmeber watching the WPS on tv it was...


My plan

Getting healthy... How can I start getting healthy i have been asking myself these last couple days. I have been sitting around on my...
